granted me a wish – disney cruise! Thank you!!!
Eye Gaze Training two days ago was brutal…
Soooo long, but very helpful.
I’m sick with the flu today….
Coughing my tiny lungs out! Oh men!
First botox injections on my wrists today – July 20, 2011
Off to Oakland Children Hospital after school to get my first botox injections. I am not happy about it, but hopefully, it will help my hands! Pray for me!
Last Day of Summer School – July 20, 2011
So, today is the last day of summer school, I am excited, but I will miss all my friends and my aide too. I hope they like their gifts! See you all next year. Fewa has left the building!
My custom made shirts arrived!
Can’t wait to order some more!!!
Fell from my bed last week! Ouch….
Well, my mom bought a new lower bed, thank God!
My eyegaze arrived today – July 19, 2011
Yes, I waited for a year for this. For those who do not know, it is a communication device. I cannot wait to start using it. Thank you Sandy, and everyone else!
Sad Day at the Dentist’s Office – June 22, 2011
This was not a good day at all. Three people held me down to clean my teeth at the dentist office, in the process, a tooth fell off! I am very sure it was not lose before we went. My mom filled out a complaint, she was very mad at the dentist and his assistants. Oh well, I hope the tooth grows back.
Summer School
So, I started summer school last week – June 23, 2011. I love summer school and I am so glad my aide gets to come with me to summer school! Yeah.